![Types of Restraining Orders in a Divorce]()
How To Request a Restraining Order
A judge in San Diego may issue a restraining order as an official order prohibiting a particular action. An individual may seek a restraining order for various reasons, including copyright infringement, domestic abuse, harassment, legal disputes, and employment disputes. Anyone who applies for a restraining order must first send a request to their local court, which will determine the merit of the request by examining the evidence submitted.
Although restraining orders are limited in their duration, restraining orders are typically used as a form of immediate relief if the petitioning party requires instant action to prevent harm or harassment. Although a permanent order can be possible, this usually takes months to to allow the parties time together evidence for a full formal hearing. However, the process of obtaining a temporary order can be completed in a matter of days.
What to do First When Requesting a Restraining Order
Your first step in obtaining a restraining order will be to speak to an attorney who is experienced in the area, usually one specializing in family law. If you are concerned about an ex harassing you, or a spouse, then a family attorney could help to handle the details of a restraining order for you as well as the custody or divorce aspect of your case.
Next, you will need to gather as much evidence as possible to support your case. Remember that simply presenting a ‘He said’ or ‘She said’ case in court can be problematic, and ideally you should have more than just an accusation that an individual did something requiring a restraining order. Evidence can be gathered in various forms, you might for example, use threatening texts or emails, pictures, documents or even recordings of harassing phone calls. Police reports or witness statements can also be used to support your position.
Preparing a Request for a Temporary Restraining Order
This is usually a step that you should take with your family law attorney. In simple terms, you will need to prepare a document that will inform the judge what you want, and the reasons why you want it. Usually, these documents come in two types, the first, standard option simply asks for a restraining order temporarily and sets a date to have both parties appear before a judge.
The other document requests an ex parte restraining order, and this refers to a situation wherein only one party attends the court to ask the judge for an order. Typically, if a judge grants an individual an ex parte order, she or he will then set a hearing within fourteen days, allowing the other party to give their side of the story. There may be children involved in this request, if there are a child visitation request also needs to be included with the request.
What Happens Next
The judge will review your paperwork that day and decide if a temporary restraining order should be granted or denied. Whether it is granted or denied, a hearing will be set where both parties will have to appear at that hearing. A notice will be officially served to the opposing party providing them with the date that they must attend the hearing. In this case, your attorney will use a process server that will handle the issue for you, meaning that you should not be asked to serve the notice on anyone’s behalf. Beyond this, all that will be left for you to do is to attend the hearing. Dress smart and do your best to stay calm throughout the proceedings, even if you feel yourself getting emotionally involved. The more clearly you can explain your position, the better chance you have of the process going smoothly.
••Minella Law Group Can Help••
If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence and need assistance obtaining a domestic violence restraining order the qualified staff at Minella Law Group can assist you. For more information or to schedule an appointment, click the button below, or call us at (619) 289-7948. We look forward to helping you.