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Child Support

Steps to Collect Back Child Support Payments in San Diego

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If you are a custodial parent, you are eligible to receive child support payments from the non-custodial parent. These payments are designed to help provide financial support to the custodial parent to assist in providing care and support for the children.

Child support can be sought for all children under 18 years old, or those still attending high school. Unfortunately, an oral agreement between both parents is not enough to ensure child support payment, and is also not enforceable by the courts in California.

It is highly recommended that you obtain a Child Support Order from the San Diego courts. Continue Reading

Navigating 2024 California Child Support Laws

In the intricate tapestry of family law, few matters carry as much significance as child support. It is a legal obligation that transcends financial transactions, intertwining the lives of parents and the well-being of their children.

As we step into 2024, the landscape of child support undergoes profound transformations, shaped by legislative amendments that prioritize fairness, transparency, and the dynamic needs of modern families.


Understanding Child Support

Child support is a legal obligation that ensures both parents contribute financially to the well-being of their children, even if they are not living together. The primary purpose of child support is to provide for the child’s basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, education, and healthcare. It is a fundamental aspect of family law designed to safeguard the best interests of the child and promote financial stability within separated or divorced families.

Child support is not merely a legal obligation; it is a commitment to the future of our children. The intricacies of these obligations have been further refined through critical revisions to California’s Child Support Guidelines in 2024. This guide aims to unravel the intricacies of these changes, empowering both custodial and non-custodial parents with the knowledge to navigate the evolving system effectively.


What Needs to be Disclosed to Calculate Child Support

Calculating child support involves a detailed examination of both parents’ financial situations to determine a fair and equitable contribution. Various factors are taken into account, and disclosure of specific information is crucial for an accurate assessment. Key elements that need to be disclosed include:

Income: Both parents are required to disclose their income, encompassing wages, bonuses, investments, and any other sources of financial gain. Net disposable income, after mandatory deductions such as taxes and health insurance premiums, is typically considered for a more accurate reflection of available resources.

Employment Information: Details about employment, including job stability and any changes in employment status, are essential. This information helps in understanding the reliability of income sources.

Assets and Liabilities: A comprehensive overview of assets, such as real estate, vehicles, and financial accounts, is necessary. Additionally, any outstanding debts or liabilities may impact the overall financial picture.

Living Expenses: Understanding the living expenses of both parents is vital. This includes rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and other regular expenditures that may affect the ability to contribute to child support.

Custody Arrangements: The custody arrangement plays a significant role in determining child support. The amount of time each parent spends with the child can impact the financial obligations.

Special Needs and Extraordinary Expenses: If a child has special needs or requires additional financial support for extracurricular activities, education, or healthcare, these factors should be disclosed for a more accurate calculation.

Full and honest disclosure is crucial in ensuring that child support orders are fair and representative of the parents’ financial capacities. Failure to provide accurate information can lead to legal consequences and may undermine the well-being of the child.


Processes for Obtaining Child Support

Obtaining child support typically involves several steps within the legal system. While the specifics may vary by jurisdiction, the general process includes:

Filing a Petition:

The custodial parent initiates the process by filing a petition for child support with the family court or the California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS). This document outlines the details of the case, including information about the child, the custodial and non-custodial parents, and the requested child support amount.

Service of Process:

The non-custodial parent is officially notified of the child support proceedings through a legal process known as “service of process.” This ensures that the non-custodial parent is aware of the legal action and has an opportunity to respond.

Response and Financial Disclosure:

The non-custodial parent is given an opportunity to respond to the petition, providing their financial information and addressing any concerns. Both parents may be required to complete financial affidavits or disclose relevant documentation.

Mediation or Court Hearings:

In some cases, parents may be encouraged to participate in mediation to reach an agreement on child support terms. If an agreement is not reached, the case may proceed to a court hearing, where a judge will consider the evidence and make a determination on child support.

Child Support Order:

If an agreement is reached or the court makes a decision, a child support order is issued. This order specifies the amount of child support to be paid, the schedule for payments, and any other relevant terms.


If the non-custodial parent fails to comply with the child support order, enforcement measures may be taken. These can include wage garnishment, property liens, suspension of licenses, and other legal actions to ensure compliance.

It’s important for both parents to engage in the process with transparency and a focus on the best interests of the child. Seeking legal advice and assistance, particularly from family law attorneys, can help navigate the complexities of child support proceedings and ensure a fair resolution.


2024 Adjusted Income Guidelines

In 2024, California’s Child Support Guidelines are undergoing crucial revisions to create a fairer system for calculating child support payments. These adjustments are significant and can impact the amount of support you’re either entitled to receive or obligated to pay.

The revised guidelines take a more nuanced approach to income calculation, considering both parties’ net disposable incomes. This involves calculating actual take-home pay after mandatory deductions. The updated income brackets include widening ranges to account for the high cost of living in various areas of California. Distinctions are made between different regions within the state, recognizing economic diversity.

Additionally, calculations now consider multiple children and the financial needs specific to each child’s age.

These adjustments aim to provide a more equitable system where child support payments align more closely with each parent’s financial capacity and the realistic needs of the children involved. It’s crucial to stay informed about these changes, as they reflect a commitment to creating a system that adapts to the dynamic nature of family structures.


2024 Revised Enforcement Measures

In 2024, California’s child support system undergoes not only recalibrations in the calculation of payments but also a robust enhancement of enforcement measures. The aim is to ensure that child support obligations are met promptly and fully, fostering an environment of accountability and responsibility.

Electronic Income Withholding Orders (E-IWOs)

A pivotal shift in the enforcement landscape comes with the increased prevalence of Electronic Income Withholding Orders (E-IWOs).

These orders streamline the withholding process, making it more efficient for employers to redirect owed funds directly from a parent’s paycheck to the child support agency. The move towards automation serves to reduce errors and accelerates the transfer of payments, ensuring that children receive the necessary support without unnecessary delays.

Integrated Database for Tracking Payments

To enhance transparency and tracking capabilities, a new integrated database is introduced. This database is designed to closely monitor payment patterns, providing real-time tracking of child support transactions. Any missed or late payments trigger prompt enforcement actions.

This advanced tracking system not only minimizes the incidence of payment lags but also ensures a more proactive approach to enforcement.

Swift Intervention by Law Enforcement Agencies

The revised enforcement measures empower law enforcement agencies to intervene more quickly in cases of non-compliance. Immediate income withholding for all new and modified child support orders ensures a swift response to ensure that child support obligations are met.

This proactive approach is aimed at minimizing delays and ensuring that children receive the support they are entitled to without undue hardship.

Advanced Tracking Systems Triggering Enforcement Actions

Advanced tracking systems are implemented to closely monitor payment patterns and automatically trigger enforcement actions. If a parent consistently falls behind on payments or fails to meet their child support duties, these systems enable quicker responses. The goal is to address non-compliance promptly and take appropriate measures to ensure that financial support is provided for the well-being of the child.

Additional Powers Granted to the California Department of Child Support Services

The California Department of Child Support Services is granted additional powers to enforce compliance. This includes the authority to place liens on property and bank accounts to collect overdue child support. In practical terms, this means that if a parent falls behind on payments, the state can take legal action by making a claim against their assets until the debt is settled. This added enforcement measure serves as a significant deterrent against non-compliance.

Consequences for Persistent Non-Compliance

Persistent non-compliance with child support obligations can lead to more severe consequences.

The revised enforcement measures include the possibility of license suspension or being barred from certain government benefits for parents who consistently neglect their child support duties. These consequences emphasize the seriousness with which non-payment issues are treated under the updated laws.

A Balancing Act

While the focus remains on creating a supportive environment for both parents and children, the revised enforcement measures strike a balance by taking non-payment issues more seriously than ever before. By minimizing the exploitation of loopholes and upholding the rights of children to financial support, these measures aim to reinforce the idea that supporting one’s child is not just a legal obligation but a moral and societal responsibility. The changes are designed to foster compliance, accountability, and, ultimately, the best interests of the child.

Impact on Custodial Parents

The 2024 changes have significant implications for custodial parents, affecting how support payments are received. With the introduction of E-IWOs, income withholding becomes automated, resulting in more punctual payments. The integrated database monitors payment patterns in real-time, offering increased transparency and triggering enforcement actions promptly

The intended benefits for custodial parents include improved payment regularity, reduced administrative burden, enhanced enforcement support, and less personal involvement in collection efforts. These changes aim to alleviate financial challenges and ensure the child’s welfare remains a top priority.

Impact on Non-Custodial Parents

Non-custodial parents will experience a shift in how child support payments are processed and enforced. The introduction of E-IWOs streamlines the withholding process, ensuring prompt and consistent payments. The new integrated payment database accurately tracks financial contributions, reducing the chance of disputes over payment histories.

Non-compliant payers should be mindful of stringent enforcement actions, including garnishment of wages, property seizure, license suspension, and possible jail time. Proactive engagement with the California Department of Child Support Services is crucial to avoiding these measures, especially in cases of financial hardship


Changes in Child Support Add-Ons Allocation: A Closer Look

In the ever-evolving landscape of family law, one of the significant amendments to child support statutes pertains to the allocation of add-ons. Beyond the basic support provided for the child’s day-to-day needs, child support add-ons play a crucial role in addressing specific, often unavoidable, additional expenses that contribute to a child’s overall welfare. These add-ons go beyond the standard child support amount and are designed to cover essential elements that may not be included in the basic calculation.

  1. Uninsured Medical Expenses:

One significant category of child support add-ons involves uninsured medical expenses. These include healthcare costs that are not covered by insurance, such as co-pays, deductibles, and medical treatments that may fall outside the scope of regular insurance coverage. Children often require medical attention beyond routine check-ups, and these add-ons ensure that both parents contribute to covering these unforeseen or non-insured medical expenses.

  1. Childcare Costs:

Childcare is another crucial aspect addressed by child support add-ons. The costs associated with childcare, including daycare expenses or costs related to babysitters or after-school programs, are considered add-ons. Recognizing that parents may need assistance in covering the expenses associated with ensuring the child’s care and supervision, these add-ons aim to distribute the financial responsibility fairly between both parents.

  1. Educational Expenses:

Educational expenses, such as school fees, extracurricular activities, and tutoring, are also covered by child support add-ons. Education plays a vital role in a child’s development, and these expenses are considered essential for their growth and enrichment. The allocation of funds for educational purposes ensures that both parents contribute to providing a well-rounded learning experience for the child.

  1. Special Needs:

Children with special needs may incur additional expenses related to their unique requirements. Child support add-ons take into account the extra costs associated with medical care, therapy, adaptive equipment, or any other necessities specific to the child’s condition. These add-ons acknowledge the diverse needs of children and aim to provide adequate financial support to meet those needs.

  1. Extracurricular Activities:

Participation in extracurricular activities, such as sports, arts, or other enrichment programs, is encouraged for a child’s overall development. Child support add-ons may cover the costs associated with these activities, ensuring that both parents contribute to providing opportunities that go beyond the basic necessities and contribute to a child’s personal and social growth.


Current Law and Customary Practice:

Under the previous legal framework, the customary practice for allocating add-ons, such as uncovered medical expenses and childcare costs, leaned towards an equal division of 50% between both parties. While this approach provided a standardized method, an alternative option existed, allowing the allocation to be based on the parties’ relative net incomes.

New Law:

In September 1, 2024, a transformative change will be implemented through Family Code Section 4061(a), reshaping the approach to child support add-ons allocation. The new law states that these add-ons shall now be apportioned according to the parties’ relative net incomes, unless a specific request for an alternative allocation is made or the court determines a different division. 

This means it can be 90/10, 80/20, or whatever the breakdown is. The point is that for the first time we have an option to deviate from 50/50.  

Breaking down the process further, Section 4061(b) delineates the steps involved in computing child support and addressing any spousal support. Firstly, child support is calculated, and any spousal support ordered is subtracted from the payor’s gross income and added to the payee’s gross income. Following this, any child support ordered is subtracted from the payor’s net income but not added to the payee’s income.

Implications of the New Allocation Approach

This shift in allocation methodology holds profound implications for parents navigating child support proceedings.

By tying the allocation of add-ons to the parties’ relative net incomes, the new law aims to create a more equitable distribution that reflects the financial capacity of each parent accurately. This move recognizes the diverse economic circumstances of parents and ensures that the financial responsibilities associated with add-ons are proportionate to their individual abilities to contribute.

Navigating the Changes

As parents adapt to these changes, it becomes imperative to stay informed about the nuances of the new allocation approach. Understanding the intricacies of computing child support, considering spousal support, and recognizing the implications on net incomes are crucial steps in navigating the evolving landscape of child support laws.


Managing Child Support Under the 2024 Changes

Navigating the complexities of child support under the 2024 changes requires attention to detail and proactive engagement. Familiarize yourself with E-IWOs, leverage the integrated payment database, and stay proactive to avoid enforcement actions. Communication with the California Department of Child Support Services is vital to staying in good standing and ensuring timely support for your children’s education, healthcare, and general welfare.

Adapting quickly to the updated California child support laws in 2024 contributes positively to your child’s well-being and future. Embrace the new systems, stay informed, and fulfill your responsibilities to provide the best for your children.


For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at (619) 289-7948. We look forward to helping you.

Tips to Calculating Child Support

Calculating Child Support in California 

Every parent has an obligation to care for their child, even if their marriage falls apart. California law imposes guidelines on the local courts that help judges determine the appropriate amount of child support to award a family. Calculating child support in California is based on a calculation that takes both the parties income and how much time they spend with the child into consideration.

It’s important to note, California law requires all sources of income to be included with calculating child support.  This is outlined in Family Code Section 4058, it includes but is not limited to the following: commissions, salaries, royalties, wages, bonuses, rents, dividends, pensions, interest,  and trust income.

The process of gathering and assessing all of the information that is needed in order to provide an accurate decision is time consuming and frustrating.  However, it is important to ensure the continued stability of the child following a separation. Each parent should feel confident about the amount that has been ordered by the court to benefit their child.

1.  Make sure you are well organized!

One of the first steps in dealing with child support effectively and efficiently is to ensure that you are well organized. In the state of California, child support amounts will be calculated using a number of factors that are entered into a child support calculator.

Like any other form of data, the calculator will only be able to provide your judge with an accurate number if you provide accurate information. This means that you will need to ensure you have access to all necessary documents that contain information on your taxes, deductions and monthly income, including:

  • Wage stubs
  • Tax returns
  • Childcare expenses
  • Unemployment or disability benefits
  • Premiums for health insurance
  • Spousal support that is being paid into other relationships
  • Necessary expenses related to your job that are not reimbursed by an employer
  • Retirement contributions that are mandatory
  • Uninsured losses
  • Health care expenses
  • Child support paid for children within other relationships

You have to be able to prove, with documentation, the expenses and income that you list on your income and expense declaration.  Gathering up your information ahead of time will save time and money.  The court requires your last two month of paystubs if you are a W2 employee and you should be able to produce your last years taxes if asked.  If you are self employed, you will have to produce a profit and loss statement for the last 2 years.

2.  Has there been a change in your situation?

There are some instances in which an order for child support can be altered or changed if there is a change in circumstances for the individuals involved. A change in circumstances can be recognized in a variety of different forms, but some of the most common options include:

  • The incarceration of a parent
  • The loss of a job
  • One parent having a child in another relationship
  • A change in income
  • A significant change to the child’s needs which may increase the costs of healthcare, childcare, or education
  • Change in the amount of time a child spends with each of his or her parents

It is important to have your request pending immediately as it does take time to get into court.  Sometimes it can take months before you will be able to have your case heard.  Filing right away will reserve the retroactivity date.

3. Work with a professional attorney in your area!

Although it is possible to access free child-support calculators online, it is easy to call their accuracy into doubt. Calculating child support on your own can be done however you will usually find this will only lead to confusion and frustration. There is no way to ensure that you are taking all the deductions that you can or using the right figures.  Usually, working with an experienced and professional family lawyer will ensure that you have all the information you need regarding child support payments.

You may still get along with your former spouse but this is a legal matter now and you want to have someone who knows this arena on your side.

Minella Law Group can Help with California Child Support Issues

If you think you need assistance with calculating your child support, or you feel your support order is too high, we can help. We can take a look at the order and determine if there is a way to reduce or increase support based on the needs of the child and income of the parties. For more information or to schedule an appointment, click the button below, or call us at (619) 289-7948. We look forward to helping you.

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Minella Law Group Can Aid in Your Child Support Needs

Both parents are responsible for the financial support of all of their children until the children reach the age of 18. If the child or children are still in school at the age of 19, and still live at home and are unable to provide their own support, it is up to the parents to provide that support.

The state of California mandates the amount of child support that is paid from one parent to the other. The amount is figured by the computer generating of the payer’s financial status. The parent’s income, the amount of taxes that they pay, the amount of time that the parent has with the child, mandatory items that are deductible such as health insurance and retirement and the custodial parent’s ability to earn and their income are the main factors that determine the amount of child support to be paid. Child support can be altered should financial changes occur with the parent paying the support, or if the time share between the two parents should change at any time.
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How To Prepare For Your San Diego Child Support Attorney

Develop a Plan

To make everything as easy as possible and save on attorney costs, you will need to develop a plan. Take some time to think about what you want to accomplish during your child support case. Come up with some goals and objectives. Do you have a goal of gaining custody? Or, are you willing to negotiate mutually beneficial visits for both you and your ex-spouse? Are you comfortable with your ex-spouse gaining total custody? Deciding these factors and putting them in writing can make your attorney meeting more efficient. Also consider items such as what you want your child support to cover. How much can you reasonably afford? Get an idea by using an online calculator.
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Navigating the California Courts to Collect Unpaid Support

When a couple divorces, one spouse is often required to pay money to support the children (child support) and/or the other spouse (spousal support or alimony).  Unfortunately, getting an award for support and collecting it are two different things entirely.

It’s up to the spouse receiving the money to make sure that the money is being paid and to take action if it is not.  Courts in California will not step in automatically.  If your ex-spouse isn’t paying, then you or your attorney can ask the court to deduct support payments from their paycheck; this is called “wage garnishment.” Continue Reading

Child Support Obligations in California

It was recently reported that former San Diego Chargers cornerback Antonio Cromartie was $25,000 behind on child support obligations.  One of the mothers of Cromartie’s children filed a document with the court that prevented him from selling any property without first being current on his child support.  Cromartie has since caught up on his obligations after being traded to the New York Jets and receiving a $500,000 advance on his contract.

It is now more expensive than ever to raise a child.  The cost of raising a child from birth to the age of 18 is estimated to range from $180,000-$250,000.  As a child gets older, the expenses rise.  Older children are often involved in extra-curricular activities like music, dance, or sports.  If parents wish to pay for a child’s college education, this can easily add another $50,000 in expenses. Continue Reading