The Facts About Move-Away Requests in San Diego
If someone were to ask a family law judge about the most difficult type of case they have to preside over, most of the time, the answer would be a move-away request. A move away is where one party seeks to relocate themselves, and their child, to another geographic area. The destination could be 50 miles away, or 2,000 miles, making it difficult for the other parent to maintain a relationship with their child.
If the court does grant the move away request, the non-custodial party will no longer be a significant part of their child’s day-to-day life. However, if the court denies the move away request, and the custodial parent has no choice but to move away, then the child will be separated from the parent they may have the closest bond with. Either way, the circumstances are tough on the child.
What the Court will Consider
In move away requests, the court will consider various different factors, including:
- The distance of the move away, if a move away is only a couple of hours away, it may be considered as less disruptive to the life of the child, and that child’s relationship with the non-custodial parent. However, a move away that takes the child across country, or to a different part of the globe, could require greater scrutiny. Usually, in international cases, the court will need to consider cultural differences, including potential, language, and dangers within the country where the child will be raised by the custodial parent.
- The age of the child. Sometimes, a move away that is far away from the other parent can be seen as more detrimental to a younger child who has a strong attachment to both parties.
- The reason for the move away. In California, the parent does not have to justify their reasons for moving, but if there is evidence that the purpose of the move away is in bad faith, for example to interfere with the relationship between the child and non-custodial parent, the court will consider this in their decision.
- The child’s relationship with each parent. The court will examine the relationship of the child with each parent and consider the attachment that may be present. If there is conflict between a parent and child, the court may appoint a child custody evaluator to make a decision.
- The relationship between the parties. Do the parties engage in a healthy co-parenting relationship or is one parent undermining the other? If there is a significant distance between the parties there needs to exist a healthy co-parenting relationship or the noncustodial parents relationship with the child will suffer.
- Where the child wants to live. In some cases, the child may be able to make a statement about where he or she wishes to live. In California, the law requires that children over the age of fourteen must be allowed to testify unless the court believes it will be harmful for the child.
Critical Decisions to Make
Whether you are the parent seeking a move-away request, or the non-custodial parent, you should seek the assistance of an experienced move-away request attorney when it comes to dealing with an issue that can determine how much time you spend with your child. Your lawyer should be able to give you advice on the factors within your case that may influence the court, as well as what you could do to strengthen your position and effectively present your case.
Minella Law Group can Help!
If you are facing a move-away request it is important to have an experienced move-away request attorney by your side. Minella Law Group is experienced in move-away requests and can give you immediate hands on representation that you need. For more information or to schedule a no cost consultation, click the button below or call us at (619) 289-2748. We look forward to helping you!
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