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Family and Financial Protection During Your San Diego Divorce, Part Two: What Other Court Orders Will You Need?

By March 12, 2010July 17th, 2024No Comments4 min read

Divorces in San Diego and throughout California can’t become final until at least six months after a spouse is served with divorce papers.  Usually, a divorce will take longer than this minimum waiting period.  Many steps need to be taken during the transition to protect your family, business, and finances.

For divorcing spouses who have kids, a blog provides advice on how to best meet your children’s emotional needs during a divorce.  It cautions that you shouldn’t be the only one providing your kids with emotional support.  When family and friends aren’t enough, then look for counseling options.  You’re also encouraged to get emotional support for yourself, such as through a local support group, family, and friends.

Even if you don’t have children, there are many essential temporary court orders you can ask for while a divorce is pending.  The long divorce process can give spouses a window of opportunity to do a lot of damage to your finances, assets, and family concerns.  You can either try to deal with the results of a spouse’s harmful actions after the fact, or you can get temporary court orders to help prevent the harm from happening in the first place.  The automatic restraining orders explained in Part One usually can’t meet all of your worries.  Fortunately, we can request additional protections for you in court.

As you know, a divorce brings about many changes to your day-to-day life.  We’ll seek temporary orders on your behalf to deal with these changes.

Family-Related Orders

●  If you have minor children with your spouse, you don’t have to wait for the divorce to become final to obtain temporary child custody, visitation, and support orders.

●  A temporary order can also give one spouse exclusive use of property (like the family home or car) while the divorce is pending.

Financial Security-Related Orders

●  You may need to request attorney’s fees during the divorce.

●  It may be appropriate to ask for temporary spousal support (or “alimony”) for the lower income spouse.

Businesses and Investment-Related Orders

●  When spouses own or partially own a business, a spouse’s wrongful actions can damage your business interests.  A restraining order can help prevent dishonest deals between your spouse and another business partner.

●  Also prevent business assets from being wasted and misused.

Threats to Your Personal Safety, or Your Children’s Safety

●  If there is domestic violence or you are threatened with domestic violence, you can ask for protection through a restraining order that prohibits your spouse from contacting you or coming within a certain distance from you.

As you can see, your request for a temporary order can cover almost any issue, and violation of these orders can result in serious consequences.  These orders are not automatically granted, but you can get our help early on so we can prepare your requests during the divorce.  This can go a long way in reducing the risk of harm to you, your family, and your financial interests.  If you disagree with an inappropriate request, then contact us right away to oppose it.

Many problems can be avoided with temporary court orders, minimizing stress and expense for you down the road.  Speak with our divorce attorneys about how we can help you meet your goals and get through the divorce process.  Call Minella Law Group at (619) 289-7948.

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