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Fathers Visitation Rights in San Diego

By October 3, 2014August 7th, 2024No Comments4 min read

Fathers Visitation Rights in San Diego

Maintaining fathers visitation rights after a particularly heated divorce or during a separation procedure can be complicated.  It really helps to understand what fathers visitation rights you have as a father under California state law. If you and your ex have recently filed for divorce, the chances are high that you are going to be going through an emotionally fragile situation.  It is very likely that making strategic and sensible decisions may be more difficult, having emotional support through this process is important.

Knowing what fathers visitation rights in San Diego are in comparison to other custody orders, may help to ensure that you are well informed.  This is important so you do not lose any of your entitlements as a Father that you so desperately need in order to be able to continue to provide the care and attention to your child.  It is important to understand fathers visitation rights in San Diego.

What’s the difference between Legal Custody and Physical Custody?

Physical custody refers to the place in which the child will live, whereas legal custody refers to the individual rights of the parent to make decisions in the best interest of the child. This may include a parent deciding which school the child will attend, or whether they will seek certain forms of medical attention. As a father, you have the right to make decisions about your child with the other parent jointly.  Fathers visitation rights includes having joint legal custody to be able to make decisions about your child with the other parent.

The Role of Mediation in Visitation and Custody

Most of the time, when a couple is going through a divorce, the judge in question may order them into mediation in an attempt to resolve the dispute with as little conflict as possible. The idea is that the parents, by working together with an objective individual, will have the best opportunity to create a plan that protects the child’s best interests, and gives them both the results they need. The only threat that a mediator can present to a divorce case takes place if the couple going through the divorce cannot come to a reasonable agreement during their mediation sessions. Fathers visitation rights are addressed in this process, in San Diego mediation is a mandatory part of a custody case.

If an agreement cannot be formed, then the mediator will construct his or her own recommendation for the best options in visitation schedules and custody options. Since mediation is mandatory in San Diego, most judges will automatically give the recommendations of a mediator automatic approval, however if you do not agree with the mediator’s suggestion, you do have the right to contest the decision at court with an evidentiary hearing.

The mediator will take into consideration who has been the primary caregiver, where the parties live, how often the parties work, and the desires of the child.  It is important to fathers visitation rights, that these factors be presented accurately as it can mean the difference between joint physical custody or seeing your child on alternate weekends.

Rights to React Against Slander and Insults

When in the process of a divorce, insults usually go back and forth between the former wife and husband when they are alone and out of earshot, turning the children involved into prisoners that are caught between two important people in their lives. The result of this could be that your ex-wife starts to bad-mouth you in front of your children, which can be highly upsetting for you.

As a father, you have the right to keep the other parent from alienating you from your children through insults, by requesting a hearing that allows you to seek sanctions against your ex-wife. The rights of father’s in custody and visitation cases are more expansive in certain states than others. In California, for example, this may not be case and this is why you need to have a hard working and committed attorney who is walking you through this process so you know what the law is and how this affects you. Every case has different orders, as part of your fathers visitation rights you can make sure the orders include restrictions on communications with any minor children.

Minella Law Group can Help!

The dedicated attorneys as Minella Law Group can help guide you through the difficult and emotional process of seeking custody orders as a father in San Diego.  Minella Law Group is experienced in child custody cases and can give you immediate hands on representation that you need.  For more information or to schedule a no cost consultation, click the button below or call us at (619) 289-2748.  We look forward to helping you!